Why Selecting Leaders Is So Difficult In Practice
Unfortunately, most hiring is not so straight forward. Companies, industries, markets are highly dynamic and complex systems with many moving parts. Context, ownership, culture, industry, competitive landscape,...

The 80 year-old Personality ‘Fad that Won’t Die’ - ...and the unlikely duo who created it
It’s a story known by few...the most popular personality profile of all time and the improbable duo who created it. In the early 1940s, Edward N. Hays and Associates was a successful consultancy specializing...

An Oft Forgotten Key to Success ...and how to hire for it
So what’s the key to success? If you ask the guy waiting to see a doctor he’ll tell you it is intelligence and education. He wants the smartest, best trained doctor tending to his medical needs, and...

The Five Mistakes Companies Make When Hiring
Recruiting and selection excellence, especially at a senior level, is a system level endeavor. Why are companies prone to such horrific, albeit well-intentioned, hiring mistakes and what can they do to...