Headhunters in the News

It is said that success has many fathers while failure is an...

Entrepreneurial Firms as Hr Wastelands (Part II)

Our last blog...

Looking for a Dynamic Hr Role? Stay Away From the Entrepreneurial Tech Sector.

In a recent survey of HR graduate students, the technology...

The Cry to Replace Rim’s Ceos

Leaving aside the recent service outages, the shellacking of...

Context: When Companies Confuse Start-up Experience for Start-up Experience

I had the occasion this week to chat with an entrepreneur...

The Ceo Hiring Practices at Hp

The press tells us that Hewlett Packard is the largest...

The Folly of Believing What You Read

Some time ago we posted a blog titled ‘So you REALLY want...

What Dating Services Can Teach Companies About Hiring

Executive-level hiring is a decidedly aspirational endeavor....

How to Survive a Startup – by Jill Ram

If you’re an executive and you’re thinking of joining a...